Monday, May 30, 2011

It's a Peach!

Hi All!  Well, since Darin and I have removed ourselves from all family and friends, I thought it was high time we created a blog of some sort to keep everyone informed about what's going on in our lives.  So, here is my first stab at it.  Bear with me as I figure this all out!

As most of you know, we had our first OB appointment in Houston today.  It was very exciting to see our little baby on the screen.  It's really a feeling I can't put into words except to call it truly amazing.  I have not allowed myself to become overly excited or attached to this pregnancy (even though it's my first and that's difficult) because of fear of miscarriage in the first trimester.  After our appointment today, however, it is impossible to not be completely in love.  To see a little being inside my belly moving, stretching, waving and sucking it's thumb...amazing!  And to think that it's only the size of a PEACH!  Darin and I are still giddy with excitement and it's been 12 hours.  So, 13 weeks down and 27 to go!

In other news, Darin and I will be closing on our new house on June 17th.  We are very ready to be out of our apartment and into our new house.  We will be living in the subdivision of Eagle Springs and our home is actually just a few blocks from one of the elementary schools in the area.  It's a fantastic area with lots of walking paths, swimming pools, shopping and, well, pretty much everything.  It's approximately 30 minutes from downtown Houston, 20-30 minutes from one of the plants Darin supports and 45 minutes to the plants down South.  Overall, it's in a great location and we can't wait to get settled.

Once we do get settled, chances are I will be looking for a temp job for a few months until maybe November.  Darin and I do not plan on me working after "Tax Break" (as Darin lovingly refers to baby Coble) arrives so we shall see what kind of employment I can find for a few months.

Anyway, all is well in the Coble apartment besides the fact that we're in an apartment!  Here are some cute pictures of the puppies and Louie to sign off.  Boy, are they in for a surprise in a few months!