Monday, September 19, 2011

There's No Place Like Home...

Well, I have returned to Houston after what was my last trip home to Minnesota by myself.  Darin was concerned I wasn't coming back, but he should know that I would never abandon my puppies and Louie!  ...Kidding, Darin, I wouldn't abandon you either!  Although I know he knows I'd never do something as selfish as leaving him to fend for himself in Houston, I appreciate the fact that he knows how hard it is for me to leave Minnesota.  It doesn't matter how long I stay (and I was home for 10 days this time), it's never long enough.  I miss my family, I miss my friends, I miss my city--Minneapolis.

It was so nice being home.  On the 10th I attended my baby shower hosted by Kasi and Louisa.  It was so much fun.  I can't really put into words why it was so much fun, it was basically a normal shower (with some great additions, yes), but it was wonderful.  It has been a very long time since I've laughed and cried that much in one day.  It was exhausting and fantastic and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.  Being so far from home makes me appreciate my family so much more and I realized once again how much love surrounds me and the very active baby girl in my belly.

Soon to Be...Grandma, Mom, Auntie

Me and Louisa (with Drew's newly planted mums)

Me and Grandma J

Mom, Me and Grandma Blackstad

Me and Mom & Dad
I saw some of my friends and enjoyed hanging out and talking about nothing...and a lot more!  Some of my friends I have known for half my life and some I've known for a lot less, but either way, I love being with them.  Your true friends become much more obvious when you live 1000 miles from home.  

Of course I got to spend time with Kasi, although not enough time.  I figure we can make up for that fact when she's in Houston for two and a half weeks in December after Baby C makes her arrival.  I'm already looking forward to it not only because I love being with her, but because I know she is going to be the best aunt!  

Most of my time, however, was spent with my parents.  I don't think there is any place in the world that I feel safer and more secure than my parents' home.  And I think the reason for that is there is such love there.  No matter how old I get, I will always be their child.  (And that's not to say that I don't feel safe and secure and loved with my husband, but it's different--as it should be!)  I got to thinking a lot about my relationship with my parents while I was at home and the fact that I hope and pray I have as wonderful a relationship with my baby as I have with my parents.  I hope she always feels as loved, safe and secure with me as I feel with my parents.  I hope she knows that no matter what she does or says or thinks or feels, I will love her unconditionally.   And I hope she knows that there is no one in the world who loves her more than me.  I know all this already...and I haven't even seen her face yet.

As completely ridiculous as this sounds, this trip home made it so much more real that I am, in fact, going to be a mom!  I don't know why that is.  You would think my huge stomach that wiggles and moves at random would be real enough, but apparently not!  Maybe I just needed my people to see the belly and get excited about it, who knows.  All I know is that I am so grateful to have so many good people in my life.  I know not everyone can say that and it truly is a gift to have so much love and support.  I think I'm going to need it...this is going to be quite the adventure Darin and I are embarking on!