Thursday, August 25, 2011

25 weeks down!

Well, we're 25 weeks down and only 15 to go!  Can't believe how quickly time is flying by.  I had another appointment on Wednesday the 24th.  All is well, except for the fact that I'm "bigger than normal" for 25 weeks.  Just what every pregnant woman wants to hear!  Ha!  Anyway, we went back in today for another ultrasound to make sure I'm not further along than 25 weeks, I'm not, and everything is great!  She is absolutely a "she" and appears very healthy.  All measurements are "normal" for 25 weeks and her heartbeat was at 164, music to our ears!

Here is a current picture of me and the belly.

And here is a picture of what's inside the belly-legs above her head!!  

In the waiting room, she was kicking up a storm and moving like crazy.  Then we got to the ultrasound and she didn't want to move.  She stayed in this position the entire time and was apparently a very tired girl because the ultrasound tech said she kept yawning!  All those gymnastics moves are very tiring! 

Things are progressing well and now we're looking very forward to our 4D ultrasound at the end of September.  That should be pretty amazing!  Until then, we're going to continue to plug away at the nursery, try to find a name we both love and enjoy our child-free life...the days are numbered!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Furry Coble Kids

Our every day lives are pretty boring around here.  But, the dogs usually keep me entertained.  And occasionally the cat too.  So, here are some pictures of my three favorite furry babies.

Can't we all just get along?  Believe it or not, this is major progress.

Josie guarding her beloved toy and Boomer, sitting like the very handsome and obedient boy he is.

She can't get enough of her chew toys.

And Boomer can't get any chew toy.  Poor baby!  Mean sister!

Until, that is, Josie looks like this.  This is generally Boomer's cue to swoop in and steal a few minutes with the toy.

Drying off their wet paws in the kennel.  They are so cute.

And, of course, the original Coble kid, Louie.  Helping with a baby project.    

Here are a couple videos for your amusement (or not so much) also.  The first is from the old house in Amarillo and just of Josie.  I apologize for you having to go to the links.  For some unknown reason, they won't play in the blog itself.  

The second is from June 2011 of both Josie and Boomer.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Fruit in a whole new way

Our baby is now the size of a papaya.  And, as Darin said, hopefully has much better looking insides.

She weighs about 1.1-1.3 pounds and is able to kick like crazy!  It's amazing.  I'm 23 weeks and a few days along and the kicks started a couple weeks ago.  People kept saying it felt like a "flutter" or a "butterfly" but honestly, I just thought it felt like a poke from the inside.  Only a couple times did I get a "fluttery" feeling.  

I was able to feel the kicks on the outside last week, but Darin finally was patient enough to wait for them on Saturday.  It seems that even if she's kicking up a storm, she stops as soon as my or his hand goes on my stomach.  So, we have to wait a few minutes for her to forget the hand is there!  

Just yesterday, I was finally able to see my stomach popping and moving when she kicked.  It's so odd to know there's a little life in there just hanging out, kicking around, testing all her joints and working up some tiny baby muscles.  Just amazing.  

I am feeling great.  I've noticed I'm a little more swollen than in the past, but my tennis shoes still fit OK. My flip flops are actually getting a little tighter and I don't wear my rings unless I know I'm going to be in air conditioning and just sitting and not doing anything.  Otherwise, they don't want to come off.

I am unbelievably happy that I do not have to go through a Houston summer being 7, 8 or 9 months pregnant.  It has been 95 or above since June and fairly consistently 100 or above for the last few weeks.  It's awful and I hate it.  However, I think I would be on the first plane back to Minnesota if I had to go through it in the 3rd trimester!  So, that's a good way of looking at it!

I've started decorating the nursery and still have a long way to go.  I will post some pictures when it's all done.

Anyway, we're all happy and healthy in Houston and I'm very grateful for that!

Going Green. Ghetto Style.

Darin and I are probably about as into recycling as the average person.  We do our part and recycle our plastic, glass, aluminum and paper.  And furniture.  And I'm not talking about bringing our unwanted goods to Goodwill.  Take a look at our garage.

We have an actual shelving unit for a garage on the left.  Not bad!  To the right of that, we have the top half of my old entertainment center that I've had since 2004.  We have reused that in every place we've lived in since then but now have finally purchased a "real" entertainment center for the lower level of our new home.  Of course, we'd hate to get too classy too quick and get a nice TV stand for upstairs, so the bottom half of the old school entertainment center is still being used up there.  I have to say though, who knew that this cheap entertainment center from Wal-Mart would last five moves and be no worse for wear?!  Under the top of the entertainment center (now known as a "work bench") we have an old filing cabinet.  It's match is actually still in use in our study.  Next to the "work bench" we have a very old desk that Darin purchased from an antique shop while living in Minneapolis.  This thing is so banged up, I always forget where he got it and accuse him of dumpster diving.  It is now home to all our nails, screws and packing tape.  I'm sure there are other things in there as well, but if you read the post about my hoarding tendencies, you probably can imagine how many rolls of tape we have acquired over our many moves and I'm fairly certain I could outfit an entire hardware store with our nails and screws.  No joke.  In fact, Darin just told me yesterday that I'm not allowed to purchase anymore hooks.  I've only used two hooks in all the places we've lived, but seem to have purchased 2500 of them!  Next to the desk is our IKEA dresser.  I like to think that baby is still standing because it was put together by myself and Louisa, but I'm guessing we just got lucky.  It now houses a drawer overflowing with Darin's car washing "equipment". For the one time a year he washes our cars by hand.  (After all, it is more green to go to the car wash.  And we are very green people.  Clearly.)  And for those of you who are wondering, yes, that is my radio circa 1993 on top of the desk.  And it still works like a charm!  Rounding the corner we have a Bacardi display stand that Darin "rescued" from a liquor store many a year ago and then a bookshelf that looks much better from afar than it does up close.  

I think it's very obvious that we are very conscious about reducing, reusing and recycling.  Can you say the same?  

NOT PICTURED: black bookshelf home to all our (OK, my) paint and painting equipment