Monday, August 8, 2011

Fruit in a whole new way

Our baby is now the size of a papaya.  And, as Darin said, hopefully has much better looking insides.

She weighs about 1.1-1.3 pounds and is able to kick like crazy!  It's amazing.  I'm 23 weeks and a few days along and the kicks started a couple weeks ago.  People kept saying it felt like a "flutter" or a "butterfly" but honestly, I just thought it felt like a poke from the inside.  Only a couple times did I get a "fluttery" feeling.  

I was able to feel the kicks on the outside last week, but Darin finally was patient enough to wait for them on Saturday.  It seems that even if she's kicking up a storm, she stops as soon as my or his hand goes on my stomach.  So, we have to wait a few minutes for her to forget the hand is there!  

Just yesterday, I was finally able to see my stomach popping and moving when she kicked.  It's so odd to know there's a little life in there just hanging out, kicking around, testing all her joints and working up some tiny baby muscles.  Just amazing.  

I am feeling great.  I've noticed I'm a little more swollen than in the past, but my tennis shoes still fit OK. My flip flops are actually getting a little tighter and I don't wear my rings unless I know I'm going to be in air conditioning and just sitting and not doing anything.  Otherwise, they don't want to come off.

I am unbelievably happy that I do not have to go through a Houston summer being 7, 8 or 9 months pregnant.  It has been 95 or above since June and fairly consistently 100 or above for the last few weeks.  It's awful and I hate it.  However, I think I would be on the first plane back to Minnesota if I had to go through it in the 3rd trimester!  So, that's a good way of looking at it!

I've started decorating the nursery and still have a long way to go.  I will post some pictures when it's all done.

Anyway, we're all happy and healthy in Houston and I'm very grateful for that!

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