Thursday, July 12, 2012

Videos & Pictures

I've been slacking.  I admit it.  And, I'm going to continue to slack for awhile longer and just fill this blog post with pictures and videos of my sweet baby girl.  She's changed so much in the last month, I'm constantly amazed.  Right after getting back from Minnesota she started rolling everywhere.  Soon after, she started creeping and then full out army crawling.  And now, she's crawling for real!  She is also obsessed with her own voice, so that hasn't changed a whole lot, except now she's louder.  Definitely my child.  She has said "Da da" a couple times, but that's it.  She is also more in love with the dogs and really in love with Louie, the cat.  I think her new obsession with him is due to the fact that 1) he actually comes out of hiding now when she's around 2) he's little and 3) he doesn't lick her.  She may love the dogs, but getting licked on the face gets real old, real quick, even when you're almost 8 months old!  If only Louie would sit still or on the floor within her reach, maybe she would give Josie a break.

Anyway, here ya go!  And I know that you probably don't want to watch a million videos of Evie.  So, I will suggest watching the one of her giggling in the jumperoo and the last, most recent one, of her crawling.

Laying in the grass, waiting for mom to get done weeding the flower bed.

My little firecracker.
July 4th

First time sitting in the highchair at a restaurant.
This is about 2 minutes before she cracked her forehead on the table.
Parents of the year.

What?!  Are you telling me this door stop isn't a toy?

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