Monday, December 17, 2012

November and December...So Far

OK, so since I can't manage to get my sh*t together to do regular blog posts lately, I'm just going to group a bunch of stuff together and call it good.  

First time to the park and down the slide.  She wasn't too impressed with that.  It's like she's done it a million times before.  

Turkey Day!  We celebrated with our good friends down in Clear Lake.  GREAT food and company.  Couldn't ask for more!

Daredevil.  Always climbing on something.

Hello, friend.  

Baby Bruce.

The next day, it was in the 80s for most of 7 days.  Crazy!!!

The house is all lit up!  Thanks to the hub and my dad for getting it done!  Looks great!

My eyes!  Even her big floppy bonnet couldn't shade her brown eyes enough.  About 5 minutes later I had to take it off because it was hot and she was one sweaty mess.  It's December, people.  That's nuts. This was in Galveston at Dickens on the Strand.  It's a fun event where people dress up in Victorian era clothing, there's a parade and food vendors.  I am told that there are normally many more people dressed up when it's not 85 degrees outside.  Not very authentic, people.  Not very authentic at all.  

This is a bag piping high school band.  They were awesome and Evie was happy to almost be part of the action.  She seriously really liked listening to them.  

Ev with Darin, FUncle Greg and FAunt Ellie.  "FUncle" and "FAunt" are Ellie's creation for Fake Uncle and Fake Aunt.  Perfect!

This girl loves the dog park almost as much as the dogs.

She found her way to the presents and the ornaments.  A little finagling of the dog kennel was soon put into action so she couldn't get back there.  Mean Mom!

I am telling you--she will climb on ANYTHING.

Made it under the gate to crawl up the stairs.  That sneaky baby!

The crying baby with Santa shot I've always wanted...minus me actually being in the shot.  So darn funny.  Is that mean?  I don't care.  I find it hilarious.  I didn't expect her to be quite so fearful right off the bat, though.  I thought she'd sit on his lap and then scream. Not so much.

This could have turned into a very traumatic day had the petting zoo gone as splendidly as it did in New Hampshire, but luckily, these goats were mini sized and not interested in jumping up on us.  

Snacks with dad makes everything better.

"What?!  I'm not supposed to be in here?  But look how cute I am with my sweats and nukkie after just waking up from a nap...."

This makes me laugh and laugh.  

Date night!  Sorta.  We went to a wedding, FAunt Ellie and FUncle Greg were watching Ev for us.  Our first "date" without family watching her.  The reception was held at Minute Maid Park, so that's the reason for the baseball stadium.  Fun!

Does she know she's about to open some early Christmas presents?  Probably not.  I think she's just happy to have Cheerios.

An Elmo ornament?!  Awesome!

Getting the hang of opening presents.  Not really.  This was taken about 2 seconds before she bit off a piece and started chewing it.

Checking out her new ornament on the tree.

Huh!  How did a bottle get inside the sub?  Hmm....I'm sure the dogs did it...  Evie had her Cheerios and a front row seat to check out the show.

Evie's first homemade Christmas ornament from Mother's Day Out!  So cute!

And because no family blog update is complete without a final photo of the dogs is Boomer being as nutty as usual. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Evie's First Birthday

My parents flew in the weekend before Evie's birthday to be there for it and I was very happy to get to spend the time with them and for Evie to be able to spend the time with them also.  I was also so grateful for technology.  Because we FaceTime regularly, Evie had a pretty easy time transitioning to letting them hold her and play with her.  She was shy for about 2 minutes...after that it was like she saw them every day.  That was a lot of fun for everyone to see.

We basically just hung out at home and worked on some projects all week.  Evie got lots and lots and lots of attention and was taught some new skills!  For example, Grandpa taught her how to get up on her little horsey that she has, which is all fine and good.  However now she feels the need to crawl up on everything.  And I mean everything.  She tries to crawl into the tub, onto the ottoman, on top of the elevated dog dishes, on top of her walker (which she did manage) and out of her crib--guess the crib bumpers are never going to get used!  It's pretty funny though!

For Evie's birthday we just kept it very low key--just family and a couple close friends.  Evie, of course, didn't take an afternoon nap so we were all a little nervous about how the night was going to go, but she did great.  She ate almost all of her cake (a personal white chocolate raspberry bundt cake--yum!) but she ate it little by little.  She never really dug in--a definite lady.  Haha!

She tentatively opened her presents, but was honestly way more impressed with the cards and wrapping paper.

Getting pretty tired....

The next day there were more presents!

It was a fun birthday!