Sunday, December 9, 2012

Halloween 2012

WOW.  So Christmas is much closer than Halloween, but hey, at least I'm finally getting around to posting about it!  Right?  Maybe not.  Either way, here is a pictorial version of Halloween.  Oh, and I should say that Evie did not dress up for Halloween.  This was Zoo Boo at the Houston Zoo.  She had so much fun and Darin & I did too.

First getting out of the car.  She looks thrilled to be wearing an elephant costume in public, doesn't she?

We watched the elephants for a half hour at least.  She was very interested in them, smiling and pointing the whole time.  It's a lot more fun to go to the zoo with a baby who isn't asleep the whole time!

Going to the pumpkin patch!  This was the pumpkin she was handed when we first walked in.  She seems pretty excited by the whole thing!

Until she saw the plethora of pumpkins for the choosing.  Then she wasn't so sure if she had the best of the best.

Hmm...this one looks pretty good too....


I think I'm happy with what I've got.

Yeah, I am!

Meeting up with Ellie and Greg.  Or as we call them, Fake Aunt Ellie and Fake Uncle Greg.  She seems pretty happy they're joining in the fun!

About to feed the giraffes.

Not so sure about this...but no tears!

Riding the carousel.  I'm not sure if she enjoyed it as much as we thought she would.  I, personally, could do without going around and around in circles and was more than ready to get off.

A good day at the zoo.

And all good things must come to an end.  Needless to say the dogs have not been left out again after this fiasco.  Assholes.

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