Wednesday, June 8, 2011

9 days until we close...

Not a whole lot to report from Houston as of late!  Darin has continued to work very long hours and I've continued to spend some very long days in the apartment with the puppies!  9 days until we close on the house!  Hallelujah!  I may just make it outta the apartment with my sanity...knock on wood!

Here are some pictures of things around Houston that I see in my every day adventure to the dog park and beyond!

And, just in case you, too, want to be Gator Safe...

The weather has been very hot here, even for Houston.  There hasn't been any substantial rain since October 2010 and only quick showers a couple times since we've moved here.  The dogs are not fans of the hot weather and spend most of their time at the dog parks running from tree to bush to building to stay in the shade.  Ha!  You'd think they were 50 pounds overweight with thick coats or something!



And, of course, Louie can't possibly get enough sun.  He's found a new hang out on top of the dogs kennels.  Gotta love the little ball of fur!

I think that's about it for now!

And just an update on Baby Coble...s/he is the size of a lemon and making my belly his/her own!  I bought my first pair of maternity pants...and they're pretty comfy!  :-)  

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