Monday, June 27, 2011

Da Plane! Da Plane!

Well, everyone makes mistakes, right?  Unfortunately, this mistake of mine shines as a beacon of light for all the world to see (or so it seems).  We painted the study this weekend.  It is bright.  It is so bright that Darin and I are worried planes will start using Rye Harbor Court as a landing strip.  We stepped outside last night to get the full effect in the dark and see what our neighbors will be seeing.  It was an eye opening experience.  Darin's comment was "Well, at least there are plenty of street lights so ours isn't the only light on the block!  That helps to tone it down a bit."  Uh...a bit...but not nearly enough.  I'm all about bright colors and bold choices for paint, but this is taking it to an extreme.  A very bright extreme.  I plan on starting to find decorations immediately to tone this eyesore down, but until then, I just try to not walk by the room and ignore the glow emanating from it.

Oprah taught me "Doubt means Don't."  I had a lot of doubt when I opened this can
and I should have listened to her advice!

No picture can truly capture the color of this room.  
In more interesting news, I had a doctor's appointment today and heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time!  It sounded like a horse.  The doctor said everything looked good and there were no problems.  And, most importantly, we find out the baby's gender on July 21st!  I cannot wait!  I can't believe I'll be 20 weeks already!  Time flies!  Anyway, at this point in time, the baby is the size of an onion.  Aww...our little onion.  :-)

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