Sunday, March 18, 2012

Life keeps on goin'

Life changes in a second.  Or it can.  Mostly it changes slowly over a long period of time.  But when you look back at it, it feels like only a second has gone by.  This recently happened to me.

I'm finally getting around to labeling and putting away pictures from 2010.  I ordered the pictures before we moved to Houston with the intention of getting them labeled and put away while we were living in the rental apartment.  Well, clearly that didn't happen.  I was too busy watching TV.  Anyway, as I'm looking at these pictures, I cannot believe how quickly life has changed!

In March 2010 we bought our first house.  It was a simple time with Darin, Louie and me.  Then, in July, we got Josie and our lives changed.  A lot.  March 2011 we got Boomer, which was the same month we found out I was pregnant and put the house on the market.  May we moved to Houston, June we closed on our house and November Evie was born!  It doesn't seem like that much has gone on, and really most things have been evenly spaced, but to look back at those pictures, it seems like yesterday.  Josie was so little, Louie was so sociable.

I know it won't be long before I'm looking at pictures of Evie at this age wondering where the time has gone.  I already think these four months have flown by, but I can't really remember what it was even like when we brought her home.  I do remember thinking, "Oh my gosh, is it always going to be like this?  Will I ever sleep again?"  And then it changed.  And then it changed again, and again, and again.  Getting more fun and enjoyable every day.  Remind me of this when the terrible twos & teenage years isn't forever and things will change yet again.

And now, because no blog post is complete without a picture or two, here ya go.

I'm putting this picture on here because
she looks just like a baby picture I have of myself.
Considering she's a replica of Darin normally, 
I feel pretty special to have photographic evidence that
she's mine.  Although, if I photographed my flabby
stomach, I could have had the evidence all along!

My adorable bathing beauty.
Can't wait to hit up the pool in a couple months!

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