Sunday, March 18, 2012

Was Evie ever this little?

My cousin, and friend's, teeny, tiny perfect little boy was born on March 15, 2012.  Jack entered the world reluctantly, but he's here now and there's no turning back!  I can't wait to head back to Minnesota in May/June and see how this little guy has grown!  Until then, Skype and Facebook will have to do.

Baby Jack and cousin Hali

Evie is a giant.  Louisa getting a feel for what just a few
months will bring!  Me getting a feel for what it was like
just a few months ago!

Sweet baby Jack

How does this thing work?  

Long fingers and toes!!!!!!  Baby Jack
is ready to head home!

Proud parents happy to be heading home

I'm so excited for them to be embarking on this insane ride called parenting.  Can't wait to share the good, the bad and the ugly with each other!

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