Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Beep, beep, beep! Wide Load!

Well, I knew I was dreading this weigh in and I guess I had good reason to.  In the past 4 weeks I have gained a whopping 10 pounds!  This cannot continue because if it does, I will have another 50 pounds to gain before I have this little girl.  That is not OK!  How can something the size of a banana cause this much weight gain?  Oh well, at least it's for a good cause!  The growing of tomorrow's leaders.  It's tough work.

To put the weight gain in perspective for myself (and all of you), I also gained 10 pounds in a week during my first vacation to Mexico a few years ago.  Ha!  And that was just due to eating 3 huge meals and 2 large "snacks" (some would call them meals also) a day!  And I suppose all the alcohol consumption didn't help anything either.

Well, either way, here I am in my 21st week and it is what it is.  There really is nothing I can do about the weight gain since I already walk at least 3 times week for an hour and rarely eat any junk food so I just need to accept it and move on.  Done and done.

On a much more fun note,  I have ordered the bedding for the nursery and it's shipped, so I'm hoping it's going to get here this week.  Darin is hitting The Strip (as in Las Vegas) this weekend with some friends, so it would be the perfect opportunity to get some painting done and surprise him when he gets home!

It's cooled off quite a bit right now as I think it's about to rain and boy, does it feel great!  It's been 100 degrees or very close to it for pretty much all summer and these storms are really the only chance I have to sit outside and actually enjoy myself.  So, on that note, I think that's what I'm going to continue to do.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!

We finally got to find out the sex of the baby today and ... IT'S A GIRL!

I have to be honest, I wrote the subject down before we went to the appointment, and it said "It's a boy!"  Wow, was I wrong!  Darin and I would have put major money on the fact that we were having a little boy.  The thought started to sneak into my head that we could be wrong and it could be a little girl a few weeks ago, but I brushed off the idea.  I mean, really, how could I be wrong?  Well, very easily, apparently!

We had a boy's name picked out, I had a boy's nursery forming in my head.  I have nothing girl in my head at all.  To Barnes & Noble we went for a baby name book and it's back to the drawing board for the nursery!

That being said, Darin and I are really excited.  Shocked, but very excited.  It's funny because when people asked me "what do you want to have?" it never even occurred to me that it could be a girl.  My answer was always, "Well, I'm so set on it being a boy, I can't even think of it as anything else!"  Most of all, we just wanted a healthy baby.  And, she's a whopping 13 ounces and that's right on track!  (Now tell me, why haven't I gained only 13 ounces?  :-) )

We got to see her heartbeat and instead of it looking like lightening like the first ultrasound, this time we could see the chambers of the heart opening and closing.  We could see her little nose and lips and fingers and toes.  It was amazing.  I love technology!  

Our little bambino is in here, about the size of a small cantaloupe.  Twenty weeks down, twenty to go!

I'm off to find some ideas for a little girl's nursery...!  

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lamp Shades, Toothbrushes and Plastic Silverware

I continually point fingers at Darin for hoarding his old clothes.  You know, the ones that fit in high school that are definitely going to fit again, except they're so out of style, who'd want to wear them if that dream did come true?  Yeah, he keeps 'em all.  Or kept them all, until I got my hands on them.  However, every time we move it becomes abundantly clear that I should really be pointing the finger at myself.

I have a problem.

I am a collector.  Of toothbrushes (you never know who's going to forget one while visiting), plastic silverware (because every time I throw a party I buy a new box and never get rid of the ones that aren't used) and apparently, in this recent move, of lamp shades.  Box after box after box was added to the towers we were creating in the living room.  Darin asked the simple question of "why do we have so many lamp shades?" To which the simple answer should be, "Because we have a lot of lamps."  But no.  No we don't.  I was hoping when I opened all the boxes there would only be one shade per box.  But again, no.  There were two, sometimes three, per box.  Seriously.  What is wrong with me?  I am apparently very cheap because in reality, I get rid of ugly lamps, but I keep the shades "just in case" I need them for a new lamp...they are so expensive!

Whenever I start to stockpile items Darin and I call it "pulling an Aunt Joyce"...out of love for my Aunt Joyce.  When she passed away and I was helping my family clean out her house we came upon box after container after drawer of plastic silverware.  We all laughed about the Apocalypse coming and her being more than prepared.  But who do you think went home with all that silverware...after it was washed and dried?  Me.  Why didn't we just throw it away?  Because it was perfectly good silverware!  Plastic silverware.

So, you see, every time I come home with more toothbrushes "because they were on sale" or Bath & Body Works hand soap (we currently have 7 of those in the linen closet...and one at every sink), or, heaven help me, more plastic silverware, Darin makes fun of me for pulling an Aunt Joyce, I make fun of myself for pulling an Aunt Joyce and then I smile that I had an Aunt Joyce to joke about.  It makes the cycle much harder to break.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Does this baby make me look fat?

Well, I'll be 19 weeks tomorrow and in the last week it has become extremely obvious that I'm preggo.  Last Saturday Darin and I went out to eat and to watch the UFC fights with his co-worker, her husband and another couple.  (We're not into UFC, but I have to say, I was entertained.)  I wore a pair of my old jeans.  I could zip and button them.  I thought, "I look pretty good!  This pregnancy thing's got nothin' on me!"

And then came week 18.  And holy buckets, if I'm not being punished for having those thoughts.  Ha!

Actually, I'm happy people can finally tell I'm pregnant and not just a "few" (just go with it, people) pounds overweight.  The only thing I think now is, "If I look like this at 19 weeks, what am I going to look like at 40?!"  The thought is a bit frightening.  Will I have to roll to the hospital to give birth?  Possibly have an ambulance, or maybe a crane, pick me up to get me there?

I'm already dreading the weigh-in at my next doctor's appointment.  Oddly enough, at my 17 week appointment, I weighed less than I did at my first appointment and less than I do after the Christmas holiday!  Something tells me I'm not going to be so lucky this time around!

Of course, I'm kidding about all of this.  Sort of.  I know I'm not the first person to be pregnant and I know I'm not the first person to feel overwhelmingly fat.  But, it's happening to me for the first time, so everyone else's experiences kind of matter...and kind of don't.  At least I feel fantastic!  No complaints from this pregnant lady!

I better get to walking.  If I have a huge stomach, that's OK.  But huge everything else?  I'm hoping to prevent that with a little tennies on pavement action.

18 weeks, 6 days