Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!

We finally got to find out the sex of the baby today and ... IT'S A GIRL!

I have to be honest, I wrote the subject down before we went to the appointment, and it said "It's a boy!"  Wow, was I wrong!  Darin and I would have put major money on the fact that we were having a little boy.  The thought started to sneak into my head that we could be wrong and it could be a little girl a few weeks ago, but I brushed off the idea.  I mean, really, how could I be wrong?  Well, very easily, apparently!

We had a boy's name picked out, I had a boy's nursery forming in my head.  I have nothing girl in my head at all.  To Barnes & Noble we went for a baby name book and it's back to the drawing board for the nursery!

That being said, Darin and I are really excited.  Shocked, but very excited.  It's funny because when people asked me "what do you want to have?" it never even occurred to me that it could be a girl.  My answer was always, "Well, I'm so set on it being a boy, I can't even think of it as anything else!"  Most of all, we just wanted a healthy baby.  And, she's a whopping 13 ounces and that's right on track!  (Now tell me, why haven't I gained only 13 ounces?  :-) )

We got to see her heartbeat and instead of it looking like lightening like the first ultrasound, this time we could see the chambers of the heart opening and closing.  We could see her little nose and lips and fingers and toes.  It was amazing.  I love technology!  

Our little bambino is in here, about the size of a small cantaloupe.  Twenty weeks down, twenty to go!

I'm off to find some ideas for a little girl's nursery...!  

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