Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Beep, beep, beep! Wide Load!

Well, I knew I was dreading this weigh in and I guess I had good reason to.  In the past 4 weeks I have gained a whopping 10 pounds!  This cannot continue because if it does, I will have another 50 pounds to gain before I have this little girl.  That is not OK!  How can something the size of a banana cause this much weight gain?  Oh well, at least it's for a good cause!  The growing of tomorrow's leaders.  It's tough work.

To put the weight gain in perspective for myself (and all of you), I also gained 10 pounds in a week during my first vacation to Mexico a few years ago.  Ha!  And that was just due to eating 3 huge meals and 2 large "snacks" (some would call them meals also) a day!  And I suppose all the alcohol consumption didn't help anything either.

Well, either way, here I am in my 21st week and it is what it is.  There really is nothing I can do about the weight gain since I already walk at least 3 times week for an hour and rarely eat any junk food so I just need to accept it and move on.  Done and done.

On a much more fun note,  I have ordered the bedding for the nursery and it's shipped, so I'm hoping it's going to get here this week.  Darin is hitting The Strip (as in Las Vegas) this weekend with some friends, so it would be the perfect opportunity to get some painting done and surprise him when he gets home!

It's cooled off quite a bit right now as I think it's about to rain and boy, does it feel great!  It's been 100 degrees or very close to it for pretty much all summer and these storms are really the only chance I have to sit outside and actually enjoy myself.  So, on that note, I think that's what I'm going to continue to do.

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