Monday, November 14, 2011

37 weeks

I am 37 weeks along.  Nineteen days until the due date, but I'm still hoping to go early.  I think anyone who's had a baby can relate!  

37 weeks

Holy huge.
No stretch marks yet!
I had another appointment today.  I'm dilated to a full centimeter and 75% effaced.  Everything is looking good and apparently I'm in a "great place" for 37 weeks.  I would liked to have said that 10cm dilated and 100% effaced would be a much better place to be at 37 weeks, but I kept my comment to myself.  

Last weekend proved to be yet another weekend full of random household chores, but I did get to put up my Christmas decorations, much to Darin's dismay.  Normally I don't decorate until Thanksgiving weekend, but I'm still thinking positive that I'll be in the hospital that weekend!  Either way, I love decorating for Christmas, it puts me in such a good mood.  And this year, for the first time ever, I got to put up my own ornaments that I've been collecting since I was a kid!  My mom sent them all down South for me--a great surprise.  Unfortunately, we don't have a spot for a big tree in this house, so we improvised and got a 5' tree and I loaded it up with ornaments.  Looks great!  I love looking at all the different ones, remembering when I got them and who I got them from.  Darin and I also have ornaments together and of course, I got to put up the best ornament of all this year...Baby's First Christmas 2011.  Yea!  Can't wait!

I also finished up Baby C's Christmas stocking.  This is a project that I really don't enjoy doing and when I made Darin's stocking I seriously thought I might end up in the psych ward, but the end result is so worth it!  I'll post a pic after she's born.  The stocking already has her name on it and since we're not sharing that with anyone until after she's born (unless you talk to Darin who has blabbed it to many a person), I have to keep it under wraps.  So yes, that's right people, she has a name!  She will not be leaving the hospital being called "Baby C", thank God.   

Let's hope we're arriving at and leaving the hospital sooner rather than later!

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