Saturday, November 26, 2011

Where's the manual?

So, Darin & I have discovered something.  All the baby items that were purchased for Evie's arrival have more instructions with them than Evie herself.  Had we not been in the NICU, we might have been in serious trouble when we got home!

First car ride!
I thought it was hard to get a doll in here.
It's harder with an actual baby.  :-)

We're finally home!

Things at home are actually going very well.  Evie sleeps for about 3-4 hours at a time between feedings and for some reason, after her last feeding of the night she will sleep for 5 straight hours.  Pretty nice considering that means Darin & I can sleep until about 9am as a result!  Hopefully that will always continue, but I'm not holding my breath.  

First night home.
Evie loving being held and Darin loving
holding her without monitors and cords!
She sleeps in her big girl crib (bumper pads are now gone).
I had a tough time with this, but honestly, I don't think I'd
get a wink of sleep if she was in our room with us.

Holding a sleeping baby means you sleep as well.
This is something I learned real quick!

She had her first pediatrician appointment on November 22.  She was down to 6lbs., but the pediatrician wasn't concerned about that.  Everything else is looking good as well!  Next appointment is at 2-ish weeks, November 30.

And we're off to see the doctor...
First bath.  Last time we did a little bath like this!
Amazing how quickly you learn when
you have a screaming baby teaching you!

Hanging out with the fam!
What kitchen doesn't have a pack 'n' play?
Also, diapers work great to prop up a baby!  

On Wednesday, November 23, Evie and I spent our first day alone together.  Although she's adorable, she's not yet the conversationalist I was hoping for.  Guess it's going to be me and the dogs "talking" until she decides to be awake for more than 5 minutes at a time!!

She had, and passed, her hearing test in the morning.
It was exhausting sleeping through it.
Life is really good.  The dogs have taken to her presence very well and are just very curious about her.  They like to check on her occasionally and will whine outside her door until one of us opens it.  Then they'll march in there, right up to the crib, "check" on her and leave again.  It's pretty cute, I have to say.  Louie, on the other hand, isn't so sure about her.  He smells her and runs off.  I think part of him is mad something else has taken his former "top spot" in the house.  First Darin, then Josie, then Boomer and then that eating, sleeping, pooping, crying thing.  Life's rough being a cat.

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