Friday, November 18, 2011

Introducing Evie Maye Coble

Well, well, well.  Be careful what you wish for!  Little did I know that 1 hour and 16 minutes after publishing my last post my water would break and we'd be arriving at the hospital just two hours after that! That's right, our very sweet little baby girl entered this world with a bang!

Name: Evie Maye Coble  (Evie rhymes with levy, chevy, bevy and Darin's fave...heavy)
Born: November 15, 2011 at 8:59pm
Weight: 6lbs. 6oz.
Height: 18.5"

Evie has had a few problems in her first few days of life, but she's a trooper and is doing great.  Mom and Dad are handling it as best we can and love spending all the time we can with our little baby...even if it has to be in the NICU.  I will explain all that happened at a later time, but for right now, just know that she's doing great!!!  ...And enjoy the pictures.

WARNING: Some photos may not be suitable for all audiences.  Proceed with caution.

On our way to the hospital!  Two very excited people!!!

It's water broke.  Woo hoo!

Darin is BEYOND this point.
Little did he know that the show really wouldn't be started
until 16.5 hours later!

Epidurals are the BEST!

We're READY!  Right before I started to push.

Cutting the cord

Thank goodness I knew she was going to look like that.
Darin thought she was covered in cheese!  :-)

A little swollen...water logged?

The next day in the incubator.
Sorry for the orientation problem.
It's late and I'm too tired to change it.

Father and Daughter

Mother and Daughter

First family photo

SOMEONE FEED ME!!!!!!!!!!!

She wasn't allowed to eat anything.  And, for a full term baby,
this presents a problem.  And I totally get that!

OK, you don't have to feed me.
Just hold me.

Skin to skin time with Mommy!
And Daddy watching over me too!

I finally get to eat!  Best day ever!
She did great.  This was 11.17.11 at 6pm.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful story! Evie, I am seeing that this is going to be how you live your life...spontaneous, speaking your mind, independent and a fighter.

    I can't wait to meet you, sweetheart!!!

    I love you all so much!!!

    GreatEST Aunt Kellie
