Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Who turned the lights out in here?

This cracked me up.  Hope it makes your day a little brighter!  And I also hope you don't end up sea sick (or "swing" sick)...you have been warned.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Have I loved you enough today?

"Have I loved you enough today?" is a question I ask myself, more than Evie, every day since she was born.  It's something I worry about.  I know that sounds silly because since I stay at home what else could I be doing other than loving her?  But, there really is always something to do.  Whether it's cleaning, cooking, laundry, preparing for the day, preparing for the next day, writing thank yous, writing blog posts, running errands, taking the dogs for a walk, yelling at the dogs to quit barking/digging/whining...the list goes on.  This is not to say I think I have more to do than other people, I know this is definitely not the case, but regardless, life's little mundane tasks must be completed.  And I honestly enjoy completing them.  But every once in a while, I stop and think, "Am I loving you enough today?"

Of course my love for Evie just grows stronger and deeper every day, so that's not really the question.  What I really mean is "Have I appreciated you enough?"  "Have I held you enough?"  "Have I done the best that I could do?"

I don't know if it's because I had my first baby "later in life" that it's so glaringly obvious or because I have people telling me all the time, but time really is precious.  The number of days that she wants to be held, sung to, kissed & hugged are finite.  She is not always going to want me to be around, smile when she sees me or laugh when I make a funny noise.  And that's the way it's supposed to be.  That's one of the ways I'll know I'm raising an independent girl.  But knowing that is all coming makes me want to stop time some days and makes me appreciate her all the more.  But then there are the other days when I have a load of laundry in the washer, a load in the dryer, a load to be folded, the dogs whining to go out, then barking at a doorbell on TV and then chasing the cat, the counter is littered with a partially prepped supper for dinner that evening and a screaming baby who decided she was hungry after 2 hours instead of the normal 3-4.  Those are the days I really think, "Am I loving you enough today?"

I think because I'm so aware of it, the answer is always "yes."  Yes, I am loving her enough.  Yes, I am holding her enough.  Yes, I am appreciating her enough.  And yes, I am always doing my best.  But, it doesn't stop me from wondering.  It doesn't stop me from yearning for the time to go a little slower so I can love her a little bit more.  Breathe her in.  Memorize her.  Sometimes at night, even when I'm so thankful she's sleeping, I just stare the baby monitor and watch her and think, "I know you are the best thing I will ever do with my life."  And I know that I'll have done a good job when I can ask her the question, "Have I loved you enough?" and she can answer, without hesitation, "Yes."

Monday, January 16, 2012

Look what I can do!

Evie had a couple of real smiles prior to her 8th week of life, but they were few and far between.  Not so, anymore!  Ever since Jan. 8th, she is a smiley, happy girl and we're loving it!  She coos and babbles and smiles and we're both certain she's the cutest baby ever.  

Here is a video of our little baby showing off her new talent.  (Please excuse my voice.  I'd tell ya to mute it, but she coos a little and that's cute at least!)

How can you not love that face?!?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The First 8 Weeks

I'm fairly certain these were the fastest eight weeks of our lives.  Evie has changed so much, not only physically, but mentally as well.  She is becoming more alert and aware of her environment and it's very fun to watch and be a part of.

She had her 8 week check up on the 9th and here are her stats:
Weight: 9lb. 8oz. (14th percentile)
Height: 22"
Head circumference: 15"

This is all great news and she's growing at a very good rate.

These were her stats at her 2 week check up:
Weight: 6lb. 6oz. (4th percentile--what a runt!)
Height: 19"
Head circumference: 13 1/2"

I've been taking weekly pictures of our little peanut, and here they are.  Grow, baby, grow!

Our New Normal

Well, the days without company here have been very busy ones!  I've discovered that Evie no longer eats, sleeps and poops all day, she also is awake and likes to be entertained!  And I'm very happy to oblige.  However, things still need to be accomplished around the house as well, so here's a little rundown as of late.

Evie sleeps on the job.  I'm hoping she starts to perk up
and actually contribute around here, but I'm not holding my breath.
After all, she can't even hold her head up yet.

Josie, on the other hand, is earning her keep.  Not only does she dig holes,
well, ditches, in the back yard, she also babysits.  Darin and I are really
looking forward to a night out now that we know Josie is so responsible.

Evie had her first massive blowout the other day resulting in her first tub bath (besides the misguided attempt at one when she was only a week old).  As I was gathering the items necessary for the bath, Darin was going to undress her...until the gagging started.  So entertaining.  I then took over and as I was trying to figure out how to get her onesie off, Darin said, "Do you think we should just cut her out of it?"  I about died laughing.  She wouldn't have any clothes left!  And that's sayin' something considering we had to bring another dresser into her room to accommodate this fashionista's wardrobe!  Thank goodness she likes her baths!  (Why do I look like I'm about to eat her in this picture?)

Her Baby Einstein play gym is a lifesaver!

And so is her swing.  Wonder if she'll still fit in that when she
hits the Terrible Twos...!  Kidding.  My kid will never be terrible.

Conversing with Daddy.  Evie has quite the sense of humor already.

Life is good, regardless of how routine our days are, it's really good.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Evie's First Christmas

Evie had her first Christmas!  It was pretty uneventful from her perspective, but Darin and I had a great time.  She was showered with gifts that we enjoyed opening! 

Evie's first visit with Santa a couple weeks before Christmas.
The bow is totally obnoxious, I know.  I just never
expected her to be so small!
Ready to head to church for the Christmas Eve service

Slept through church

And woke up just in time for pictures with Auntie

Looking a little catatonic...
maybe she just gave in to the pics at this point

Christmas Day!

Finally capturing a little smile
(with the ornament from Great Grandma J)
Party Animal!

It was all just too much for her.  Exhausting.

Can't wait for Christmas when she actually knows what's going on!  It's gonna be so fun!

Evie Meets MOST of the Fam!

Today marks the first day since December 8th that we have not had family in town staying with us.  And, although it's been wonderful, I guess it's time to join the real world again.  Well, a world where Evie's been held every minute, more or less, of every day for the last 3 weeks.  So, this world will likely consist of quite a bit more crying than the one I left on the 8th!  She has been spoiled.  Big time.  And although I keep reading that "you can't spoil a newborn," my experience the other day tells me otherwise.

Danna, Beth and Darin went golfing; since I just end up showing up everyone on the course with my mad golf skills, I decided to stay home.  They left me with a calm baby.  She did not stay that way long.  I decided to empty the dishwasher.  I put her in her bouncer, she stared out the window seeing who knows what with her blurry baby blues.  She was happy.  I walk to the dishwasher.  She screams.  I walk back and turn on the vibrations.  She stops.  I walk to the dishwasher.  She screams.  I put her on the counter while I attempt to empty the dishwasher (yes, I know I'm breaking a big safety rule here by having her in a bouncer up high, but she's not moving that much yet and I was right there).  I bend to get a dish out of the dishwasher.  She screams.  Repeat.  Many times.  Eventually I just forget about the bouncer and resign myself to the fact that Evie is going to need a little weaning from being held for so long and it's not going to be fun.  Until then, if I am to remain sane, my arms will be getting quite a workout and I expect them to be lean, mean baby holding machines in no time.

In all seriousness though, it was wonderful having family here.  My parents were here for a week, Darin's mom and Beth were here for a week and Kasi was here for a whopping 18 days.  I'm so happy they've all gotten to meet Evie and hold her and love her up close and personal.  Darin's dad will be staying with us in February to complete the grandparents meeting her.

Mostly we all just hung out at home and worked around Evie's schedule, but we did occasionally venture out into the world taking walks, going to Old Town Spring to shop and look around and to the Kemah boardwalk twice.

So anyway, without further adieu, here are just a few of the obscene number of pictures that were taken when family was in town.  

Grandpa and Evie...and Josie the babysitter

Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma and Evie


The puppies were quite certain the company was here just for them.

Ha!  Kasi was sick so I made her wear a mask for a couple days.

Mask free.  Auntie & Evie

Evie's first trip to Kemah and first time in the Bjorn.
LOVE that Baby Bjorn!  It's awesome!

Grandma & Grandpa getting ready to leave.

Snoozin' with Auntie

Business pose for the bottle

All swaddled and ready for bed.

Monkey butt!

The Thinker.

Grandma Coble meets Evie

Hangin' out with Grandma Beth

Hey Guys...I'm New Around Here!

She suddenly realized the pacifier wasn't in her mouth.  It was traumatic.

Yes, I bought her the "Wild About Mommy" shirt.  All the shirts say
"Daddy's Girl" or something along those lines.  I had to snatch up the Mommy
shirt when I found it!
Auntie Kasi getting ready to leave

I'm ready to go to Kemah!

Trying on our friend Ellie's sunglasses.  They're totally her.

In the Baby Bjorn with Daddy at Kemah

Seeing Mommy after Mommy got to hang out at home, alone, for the day!
What a treat!

New Year's Eve
And for those of you who watch Modern Family,
yes, that shirt might be right out of Cam's closet.
Yes, it was a good 3 weeks.