Sunday, January 15, 2012

Our New Normal

Well, the days without company here have been very busy ones!  I've discovered that Evie no longer eats, sleeps and poops all day, she also is awake and likes to be entertained!  And I'm very happy to oblige.  However, things still need to be accomplished around the house as well, so here's a little rundown as of late.

Evie sleeps on the job.  I'm hoping she starts to perk up
and actually contribute around here, but I'm not holding my breath.
After all, she can't even hold her head up yet.

Josie, on the other hand, is earning her keep.  Not only does she dig holes,
well, ditches, in the back yard, she also babysits.  Darin and I are really
looking forward to a night out now that we know Josie is so responsible.

Evie had her first massive blowout the other day resulting in her first tub bath (besides the misguided attempt at one when she was only a week old).  As I was gathering the items necessary for the bath, Darin was going to undress her...until the gagging started.  So entertaining.  I then took over and as I was trying to figure out how to get her onesie off, Darin said, "Do you think we should just cut her out of it?"  I about died laughing.  She wouldn't have any clothes left!  And that's sayin' something considering we had to bring another dresser into her room to accommodate this fashionista's wardrobe!  Thank goodness she likes her baths!  (Why do I look like I'm about to eat her in this picture?)

Her Baby Einstein play gym is a lifesaver!

And so is her swing.  Wonder if she'll still fit in that when she
hits the Terrible Twos...!  Kidding.  My kid will never be terrible.

Conversing with Daddy.  Evie has quite the sense of humor already.

Life is good, regardless of how routine our days are, it's really good.

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