Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The "Big Girl" Bed Experience

I recently posted a video of Evie getting her big girl bed.  If you didn't see it, here it is again.  She was very, very excited about this new bed.

Well, here's what happened after the video.

You can't really tell, but that blob in the middle of the floor is Evie.
She decided to lay on her rug instead of in her bed.

The aftermath the next morning.
Needless to say, the books were outta there the next day.
Her first nap.
The red bar on the side means she's screaming at the top of her lungs.

She finally decided to actually take a nap.
In her chair.
After she piled everything in her room on it.

Eventually her chair got a bit uncomfortable, so she rolled over.
And I almost had a panic attack because she had her head in the corner.
But, I checked on her and she was breathing (duh) and sound asleep, so I just
let it go.

Yet another nap when she decided everything on her bed needed to
be on the floor instead.

And that's where she slept!

And her last day in the chair.  It was moved out of there after we determined
she wasn't grasping the idea that the bed is for sleeping, not jumping, and the
chair is for stories, not sleeping.  

And this is how she slept that night.  Nothing says "comfy" like a rug,
changing pad, two books, two stuffed animals, two blankets and a pillow!

She does sleep in her bed now, but still falls out.  Instead of
dragging everything out of her bed though, she just calls it
a night on the floor and usually stays there until the morning.
It's adorable.  Kinda sad, but I'm pretty sure we've all been
there and none of us are worse for wear.
Evie did great with the transition to her big girl bed.  After we figured out that literally nothing can be in her room besides the necessities, she did even better.  Now before every nap and every night we move her rug, changing pad and all her diapering "accessories" into the closet.  Her books are all in her baskets in the hallway.  She gets to keep her two bedtime books in her room because she entertains herself in the morning by "reading".  And of course, Kitty and Ducky are always by her side.  She has recently added her baby to the mix too so when story time is over and I'm leaving the room, all I see is this little mound of stuffed animals connected to a body!  This girl cracks me up.  

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