Friday, April 5, 2013

The Going Ons in Houston with One Very Busy Toddler

Darin & I have come to the conclusion that Evie was the easiest baby ever, until she could start walk.  That changed everything.  In the last couple months, Evie has climbed on top of (and fallen off of) pretty much every thing in the house.  Here are just a few examples:

This started as climbing on top of the dogs' feeding station (after she removed the bowls, of course).  She soon realized there wasn't a whole lot of room to climb on this thing.

This is when I discovered she could crawl up in the stroller.  She hasn't tipped it over yet, but we're just waiting for that day to come.

And this is how she celebrated 16 months of life.  She crawled out of her crib four times that night.  Fun, fun!

This happens quite a bit.  She decides she wants to go for a ride in her trike and will wheel it out of it's parking spot and climb in--or attempt to.

Here she is on top of one of our patio chairs.  Unfortunately I didn't get the picture of her on top of the table so she could get that green can in her hand.

And this is just a pic of her never ending quest to be in any water available to her.  Dog dishes, cat dishes, mop water, puddles....  You name it, she's played in it.

She has learned quite a few things lately too.  She knows all her major body parts, can use a spoon and fork (although is normally still partial to just using her hands), knows many animal noises and is always attempting to help put on her shoes and socks. I'm sure there's a lot more she's able to do at this point, but those are the major ones as of late.  

Here are a few more pictures and videos to show you a little bit of our growing girl.

Best trip to the zoo.  We got there at 7:30am with Evie's Funkle Greg and Faunt Ellie (Fake Uncle and Fake Aunt) and all the animals were so active.  It was awesome and Evie had a blast.

Ellie and Darin rode the carousel with Evie.  She loved it and I loved not
going around and around in a circle for what feels like an eternity.

I actually have many more recent videos to post also, but if I wait til I get those uploaded, Evie will be in kindergarten.  

So anyway, this preggo is exhausted trying to keep up with Evie all the time.  She is one funny, determined (stubborn?) and active little girl.  I love being her mom, but I will love it even more when I can move like a normal person again.  

30 weeks.  Are you KIDDING me?  Uff.

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