Saturday, April 21, 2012


Well, after my last post, amidst a no-nap week, I thought I should probably write a follow up.  You know, one where I sound less like a crazy woman and more like someone who has it under control.  So, here ya go.

During the long 4 days of no-naps (yes, that's right, Friday she was back to normal.  I'm done trying to figure it out.) I thought maybe she was still hungry.  So, I went out and got rice cereal for her to try.  This is the first go at it.  Somewhat entertaining, but I'm thinking beans, carrots and squash will be moreso.  (The video is 2 min. long.  I would not want to watch someone else's kid eat for 2 minutes, but I kinda forgot to turn off the camera in a timely manner.)  I say this is a "kinda" milestone because although it was definitely the first "solid" food, I don't think her tummy was quite in agreement and I've decided to hold off on it again.  After all, today she left 1 oz. in one bottle, 1.5 oz. in another and 2oz. in the last, so clearly she's not starving as I originally thought.  I'm telling you, this would be so much easier if she could just talk!

Then, the next day, she rolled over!  After I've been on her like white on rice, she rolls over in the time it took for the video monitor to go black and for me to push the button to see the video again.  Seriously.  So annoying.  But even more annoying was the screaming that accompanied this milestone. I'm not completely sold on it being a full-blown roll over either; I'm pretty sure she used the slats in the crib to pull herself over.  Either way though, she did end up on her tummy.  Now, if she could only do it again....

And, for those of you who have forgotten what a screaming baby sounds like, or have never had the lovely opportunity to hear one (and if that's the case, you must've avoided Wal-Mart or Target your whole life) for your listening "pleasure"... happy she's back to napping.  It makes life so much easier.

I'm just going to throw this video on here also.  This is what our house normally sounds like now.  She's always talking to herself, her toys, the dogs, the birds on her swing...pretty much everything.  It's pretty cute though.

And that's all she wrote!  For now, at least.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I'm just going to say it...sometimes I really hate being a stay-at-home mom.  There are many reasons I love it, but there are many reasons I'm not so in love with it too.  However, the number one reason?  There is NO ONE to turn to when she doesn't nap.  No one to tell me to chill.  No one to walk her around the house.  No one to laugh about it with.  No one.  I have learned something about myself over the past couple months, I am not good with a baby who doesn't nap and instead chooses to scream at the top of her lungs.  I don't feel bad she's so overtired, I feel pissed.  Honestly!  Does that make me a bad mom? In some people's eyes, probably.  But I'm guessing they don't have kids.

To be absolutely in love with being a parent every second of every day is completely asinine.  I don't understand people who say "love every second of it."  WHAT?!  What the hell is there to love about a screaming baby?  And I'm assuming the things you don't love grows as that adorable ball of flub grows into a walking, talking toddler.  Obviously, the things you do love grows also, but c'mon, "love every second"?  I doubt it.

As you can probably tell, I am in the midst of a non-nap week.  I have tried everything I can think of except driving myself to the nearest bar to get anywhere from 1 to 10 tequila shots.  I can honestly see why stay-at-home moms are a quickly rising group of alcoholics.  And I'm guessing that group is even higher for stay-at-home moms who have absolutely no support system, which is the group I would fall into.  Before you all start sending me info on the 12 steps and a list of my local AA groups, I'm not an alcoholic.  If I was, the tequila would have been the first thing I tried.

Currently I'm at my wit's end and I decided she's just going to have to cry it out.  In 5 months, I've never had to do this.  Or, I haven't done it.  Well, today's the day.  I just can't deal with it.  Want to know what happened?  She screamed at the top of her lungs for 15 minutes and has been playing quietly in her crib for the last 10 minutes.  And now, it looks like she's asleep in the baby monitor.  This is my cue to finally eat something and get on with a few of the things I really wanted to accomplish today.

And all of a sudden, being a stay-at-home mom doesn't suck so much anymore!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Evie's First Easter

Today was Evie's first Easter!  I have been looking forward to today since I bought her Easter dress at least a month ago.  And, she did not disappoint in the cute factor.  (Or any other factor, for that matter.)  It was a great day! 

Easter started yesterday for us with a "mini" photo shoot in the front yard.  It was interesting to say the least.  I swear, our marriage is tested every time I need Darin's help to take pictures.  So this weekend did have its fair share of trying moments!  Darin tells me I was being a "pain" (which really means I was being a bitch) and I told him he shouldn't have an opinion.  Pretty sure he was right.  I figure though, we're still pretty new at this whole "parent" thing, so we've got some time to work out all the kinks.  Regardless, we have one adorable baby and some acceptable shots too.

Sitting is really hard work.

Seriously.  Really hard work.

Told ya.  (This is what happened after many of the sitting pictures.)

She roped you into this too, huh?  

Today began at 5:30am for me, as it does every weekday.  I was determined for Evie to be up at 6am, have a good solid 1.5-2 hour nap and have another bottle before church.  Well, that didn't happen.  She was up, then went back down from 7:30-8 and then didn't go back to sleep!  I really thought we were in for it.  But then I remembered...she's going to the church nursery for the service, let them deal with it!  So I calmed down!  As it turned out, she was a little angel for the nursery staff and slept the whole time.  When we got back home from church, it was time for even more pictures!  Woo hoo!  Everyone's favorite time of day!

This is reminiscent of Little Miss Sunshine.  Makes me laugh!

My sweet, sweet baby.

Hi Louie!  So happy you could join us!

Daddy & Daughter

Mommy & Daughter

Family shot!

And the rest of the fam, Josie & Boomer

After photo shoot number 2, in just as many days, it was time to head to the Houston Zoo.  I love the zoo.  Like, I really love the zoo.  I'm an Animal Planet junkie and know all kinds of totally useless information about animals, or so I thought.  I know nothing compared to our friend Ellie, who we met there, along with her husband Greg.  They are zoo members and Ellie quite regularly volunteers there, so let me tell you, it was like a walking zoology lesson.  I loved it.  But more than that, I loved watching Evie's face when she spotted an animal.  She was very intrigued with the aquarium and the coy swimming in the moat around the orangutang exhibit.  It's just so fun to watch her!  (In addition to this, I also got to feed the giraffes, which was a definite highlight for me.)


Bird poop!  Thank God for the shade!


OK, the aquarium

Our friends Ellie & Greg

Closing her eyes taking in all the info we were learning.
Or sleeping.  You decide.

Very exhausted girl after a very fun day!

It was such a great day!  Lots of family time as well as getting to spend time with our friends.  Evie did great and was quite the trooper until the very end when she was tired and up 30 minutes past her bedtime.  Can't blame a girl for wanting her beauty sleep!  Overall, it was pretty darn successful, if you ask me. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sweet Home, Minnesota

In March, Evie & I were in Minnesota for 10 days.  We stayed with my parents and Evie got to meet all of my mom's side and part of my dad's side.  Good times were had by all!  It was pretty tough to leave, but honestly, it was nice to be "home".  It's weird for me to really call Houston home because honestly, Minnesota will always be my home.  But, I guess home is where the heart is and Darin, the puppies and Louie have that.  (And obviously Little Miss Evie, but she was with me.)  It was fabulous walking into the house though, as Darin busted his butt and had it gleaming.  Even the laundry basket (and the washer and dryer) were empty!  Yeah, I married a good one.

Here is some photographic evidence of our trip.  The number of pictures is ridiculous.  Even more ridiculous is the number of pictures taken and not used.  Sometimes digital is not the way to go.  

So we didn't need this, but damn she's cute in it!

I love my baths.  

The sun makes me so...sleepy....
(And apparently it had the same effect on Grandpa!)

Hi Bethany!


Watchin' TV with Grandpa, wearing a sleep sack that used to be mine.
Carters...worth every penny apparently!

Cousin Addie (5) and Evie...and Carter making her laugh in the background

Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom

4 generations!

Great Grandma J & Evie

Cousin Addie & Evie

Great Aunts Kellie & Jody

Great Aunt Jody & Evie

Great Uncle Brad & Evie

Addie was very happy to get to feed Evie

Cousin Carter (10)  His fingers must taste good.
...I do not want to know where a 10 year old boy's fingers have been.

Great Grandma Blackstad

4 gerenations

Great Auntie

Great Auntie and Great Uncle Craig

Blackstad Family Photo (minus Darin)

Hangin' with Grandma

Playing with Grandma (in an outfit that just barely fit!)

Grandpa's getting the hang of the bottle thing,
but...maybe I should help.

Here, chew on this.

OMG, I love this picture!!!  She looks so cute!
My mom and I were having a "fashion show" with my old clothes.

Last day.  Gorgeous weather.  I can barely believe it's March in MN!
Hi Daddy!  I missed you.