Sunday, April 8, 2012

Evie's First Easter

Today was Evie's first Easter!  I have been looking forward to today since I bought her Easter dress at least a month ago.  And, she did not disappoint in the cute factor.  (Or any other factor, for that matter.)  It was a great day! 

Easter started yesterday for us with a "mini" photo shoot in the front yard.  It was interesting to say the least.  I swear, our marriage is tested every time I need Darin's help to take pictures.  So this weekend did have its fair share of trying moments!  Darin tells me I was being a "pain" (which really means I was being a bitch) and I told him he shouldn't have an opinion.  Pretty sure he was right.  I figure though, we're still pretty new at this whole "parent" thing, so we've got some time to work out all the kinks.  Regardless, we have one adorable baby and some acceptable shots too.

Sitting is really hard work.

Seriously.  Really hard work.

Told ya.  (This is what happened after many of the sitting pictures.)

She roped you into this too, huh?  

Today began at 5:30am for me, as it does every weekday.  I was determined for Evie to be up at 6am, have a good solid 1.5-2 hour nap and have another bottle before church.  Well, that didn't happen.  She was up, then went back down from 7:30-8 and then didn't go back to sleep!  I really thought we were in for it.  But then I remembered...she's going to the church nursery for the service, let them deal with it!  So I calmed down!  As it turned out, she was a little angel for the nursery staff and slept the whole time.  When we got back home from church, it was time for even more pictures!  Woo hoo!  Everyone's favorite time of day!

This is reminiscent of Little Miss Sunshine.  Makes me laugh!

My sweet, sweet baby.

Hi Louie!  So happy you could join us!

Daddy & Daughter

Mommy & Daughter

Family shot!

And the rest of the fam, Josie & Boomer

After photo shoot number 2, in just as many days, it was time to head to the Houston Zoo.  I love the zoo.  Like, I really love the zoo.  I'm an Animal Planet junkie and know all kinds of totally useless information about animals, or so I thought.  I know nothing compared to our friend Ellie, who we met there, along with her husband Greg.  They are zoo members and Ellie quite regularly volunteers there, so let me tell you, it was like a walking zoology lesson.  I loved it.  But more than that, I loved watching Evie's face when she spotted an animal.  She was very intrigued with the aquarium and the coy swimming in the moat around the orangutang exhibit.  It's just so fun to watch her!  (In addition to this, I also got to feed the giraffes, which was a definite highlight for me.)


Bird poop!  Thank God for the shade!


OK, the aquarium

Our friends Ellie & Greg

Closing her eyes taking in all the info we were learning.
Or sleeping.  You decide.

Very exhausted girl after a very fun day!

It was such a great day!  Lots of family time as well as getting to spend time with our friends.  Evie did great and was quite the trooper until the very end when she was tired and up 30 minutes past her bedtime.  Can't blame a girl for wanting her beauty sleep!  Overall, it was pretty darn successful, if you ask me. 

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