Saturday, April 21, 2012


Well, after my last post, amidst a no-nap week, I thought I should probably write a follow up.  You know, one where I sound less like a crazy woman and more like someone who has it under control.  So, here ya go.

During the long 4 days of no-naps (yes, that's right, Friday she was back to normal.  I'm done trying to figure it out.) I thought maybe she was still hungry.  So, I went out and got rice cereal for her to try.  This is the first go at it.  Somewhat entertaining, but I'm thinking beans, carrots and squash will be moreso.  (The video is 2 min. long.  I would not want to watch someone else's kid eat for 2 minutes, but I kinda forgot to turn off the camera in a timely manner.)  I say this is a "kinda" milestone because although it was definitely the first "solid" food, I don't think her tummy was quite in agreement and I've decided to hold off on it again.  After all, today she left 1 oz. in one bottle, 1.5 oz. in another and 2oz. in the last, so clearly she's not starving as I originally thought.  I'm telling you, this would be so much easier if she could just talk!

Then, the next day, she rolled over!  After I've been on her like white on rice, she rolls over in the time it took for the video monitor to go black and for me to push the button to see the video again.  Seriously.  So annoying.  But even more annoying was the screaming that accompanied this milestone. I'm not completely sold on it being a full-blown roll over either; I'm pretty sure she used the slats in the crib to pull herself over.  Either way though, she did end up on her tummy.  Now, if she could only do it again....

And, for those of you who have forgotten what a screaming baby sounds like, or have never had the lovely opportunity to hear one (and if that's the case, you must've avoided Wal-Mart or Target your whole life) for your listening "pleasure"... happy she's back to napping.  It makes life so much easier.

I'm just going to throw this video on here also.  This is what our house normally sounds like now.  She's always talking to herself, her toys, the dogs, the birds on her swing...pretty much everything.  It's pretty cute though.

And that's all she wrote!  For now, at least.

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