Friday, October 28, 2011


Well, it's happened.  I'm 31.  And I've said it before and I'll say it again...turning another year older sure as hell beats the alternative!  But still, 31!

I spent the day, for the most part, not doing a whole lot of anything besides complaining to anyone who would listen about how sore and uncomfortable I am.  I took the dogs for their walk (they apparently do not care about how sore and uncomfortable I am), made breakfast for tomorrow and made some brownies.  Then watched a riveting National Geographic show on "The Real Serengeti", talked to my mom for over an hour and took a little nap before Darin got home from his work trip.

When he got home I was surprised with flowers, a gift card for a mani/pedi (yea!) and a box of Chips Ahoy cookies.  This would be my second box of those cookies just this week.  I ate the first box I bought on Tuesday after grocery shopping.  Yep.  The whole box (well, the whole box except 6.  I ate those for breakfast on Wednesday.).  I'm tellin' you, the 3rd trimester is kicking my ass!  I was eating healthy and doing great, but now I'm so annoyed with all this extra weight and this huge addition to my body and all the annoying things that go along with the 3rd trimester of pregnancy that I feel I deserve all the chocolate I can handle.  And I can handle a lot.  At this rate, I'm slightly worried I could be giving birth to 15 pound baby.  But that chocolate tastes so good....

After talking to a friend who was going out for Mexican food tonight I decided Mexican sounded delicious. So, Darin made some reservations at a restaurant we've never been to and off we went!  It occurred to us that in just one short month, we will not be able to do that.  Wow...our lives are really going to change!  But really, bring it on.  I am becoming more and more ready to be a parent with each passing day.

So, in summary, my 31st birthday was a little lame, but that's all I really wanted!  Guess that's what getting older is all about...being happy just being with the one you love!  (OK, I really wanted a margarita also, but I'm gonna have to wait just a little while longer for one of those!  Ha!)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Well, Darin and I have officially taken our last childless vacation.  We headed to Dallas and went to the State Fair last weekend with friends Mike and Christy and their little boy, Asher.  Good times!  I tried a deep fried peanut butter, jelly and banana sandwich.  Very delish.  Darin had the country fried bacon.  Not so delish.  My photos seem to consist only of the pregnancy progression, the dogs and cat and the nursery.  So, in keeping with that recent tradition, I only took two pictures and neither are particularly great.  But, anyway, here ya go!

Big Tex greeted us at the entrance

Darin and I sort of in front of the State Fair marker

In other non-newsworthy news, I am now 34 weeks along and although I feel every additional pound that's been added to my belly (and arms, legs and face), I am still amazed I am this huge!  I feel huge, don't get me wrong, but wow!

34 weeks
As of today, I have 38 days until my due date.  Yikes!  It seems too close and too far away all at the same time.  Our house is pretty much ready, but are we?  Guess we'll find out soon enough!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Nursery is Finished!

Whew!  We have been hard at work on the nursery for months.  And while it seemed like it was never going to be finished, it finally is.  Well, I say that, but it's still missing a few pictures; the pink and red construction paper is not going to be staying the frames forever & little Louie needs some representation as well.  OK, it's missing a few pictures and a baby.  Forty-seven days and counting...

The Blank Slate

Standing in the doorway

Standing in the doorway

The door in this picture is the door to the hallway.
Cat not included in design.  He's such a camera whore.  

Dresser/changing table

Doorway and closet

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Baby C's First Pictures

We've had quite a few ultrasounds (yea!) but Darin and I decided we wanted to do a 4D ultrasound just for the heck of it.  The following pictures are from September 21.


Face...and a little smile?

This would be the shot that finally convinced Darin & I she was a girl!
And this picture is Darin's first shot at shielding his little girl from the dangers of the internet! 



Because she was so small still and, for the most part, plastered up against the placenta most of the time, the ultrasound tech had us come back for a retry.  That was today, October 13.  It is obvious how much she's grown in just 3 weeks.  She didn't get any more compliant, however.  This time around, the tech tried once to get some good pictures and yet again, she didn't want to cooperate.  She really likes to have her head pushed up against my right hip.  So, after the first try, the tech had me sit in the waiting room, pray, do jumping jacks and a few cartwheels (just kidding!) and come back in about a half hour later and try again!  We finally got some good ones.

Sucking on her fingers


Such a sweet face!  

We can't wait to meet you, Baby C!  

Down and Out in Houston

Oh, it has been a loooooooooooong few days in the Coble household.

Darin and I had our very informative childbirth class on Saturday the 8th.  And, although it did get a bit long during a couple videos (I'd say ask Darin, but he nodded off a few times, so I don't know if it seemed as long for him!), it was great information to receive.  Who knew there were so many birth positions?  They clearly do not show any of those in the movies.  It was good to find out about options for birth day as well as ideas and suggestions to make it smoother and a little better.  The countdown is on now!  Less than two months and Darin and I will be going by two new names...Mommy and Daddy.  But, this is not the day that was so long.  This is the day that Darin and I think started the longest 24 hours.

Sunday the 9th started with some normal household chores and then we were just relaxing.  I didn't feel very good from the get go, but didn't think much of it.  Until Darin didn't feel good either that night.  Well, he threw up at 9pm.  I lasted until 12:15am.  And then began the longest day in Houston, thus far.

We finally went to the ER around 8am Monday morning to get some fluids by IV since they were not staying down any other way.  I'm very glad we decided to go in because as it turns out dehydration can cause contractions and it was for me.  They stopped as soon as the fluids were started.  Since I'm pregnant, they took blood samples from me and I guess I had quite the infection going on (and it can be assumed Darin did as well).  We both got discharged with two antibiotics and an anti-nausea med.  Darin and I left the hospital not feeling much better but at least not throwing up anymore!

The rest of Monday and Tuesday were spent sleeping on the couch or in bed.  Wednesday Darin went into work for what was supposed to be 3 hours and turned into 7 hours.  Then the rest of the day was spent on the couch.  Today is Thursday and it looks like we might be on the mend.  Darin went into work this morning and I'm about to leave to take the dogs to the dog park.  They are about to lose their minds being inside so much.  Normally I walk around the track at the park, but I think today I'll just park it on the bench.  Too much jostling on my stomach otherwise and I still don't fully trust it.

Darin and I both think we had a bout of food poisoning...possibly from the sandwiches fed to us at the childbirth class, which was held at the hospital.  That's not a very ethical way to get patients...!

So, it's been pretty bad around here.  And although on Monday I was certain I would feel a million times better if I could just temporarily take the ever moving Baby C out of my belly, I am enjoying her gymnastics moves once again.  Also, I am very thankful we weren't this sick with a newborn.  That would have been a real nightmare!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Single Digits!

We're now in single digits for the number of weeks left until my due date!  Ahhhh!!!!!!  Luckily, we have finally started to get the nursery together.  All the clothes we have so far (and she has QUITE the extensive wardrobe) are washed and hanging up or in the dresser.  Blankets are put away, bottles and bibs are in the kitchen and towels and baby wash are in the bathroom.  We still have a long list of things we need for Baby C (possibly a name other than Baby C...) but it feels good to know that if she decided to make her appearance in the world now, we'd be prepared.  (OK, "prepared" is a strong word...are you ever really prepared to be a parent?  I think not.)

As we look around our house, however, we're wondering where everything else is going to go.  Our nice, new house with the open floor plan is closing in on us.  And having two rambunctious dogs doesn't make anything easier.  It'll all work out though!  It'll just be a little tight in here for awhile.  I'm personally excited to see everything we have so far out in the open.  Darin has had quite a good time playing with our baby monitor...I'm personally excited to get the stroller out and acclimate the dogs to it so they don't pull me and baby C down the street trying to get away from it.  I also would love to take our Baby Einstein play mat out of the box and play with all the toys that come with that cool contraption, but I think I'll just leave it in the box for now.  Less time for the dogs and cat to claim it as their own.

Here is a current picture of me.  I'll post nursery pictures as soon as it's done, which hopefully won't be long now!

30 weeks

The weather in Houston is changing for the better.  It was 60 or below Saturday, Sunday and today when we woke up.  What a great change!  The high is 84 for today which may seem hot to those who live up North, but when you've been dealing with high 90s - 100 degree days for so long, 84 feels like a cool front!  It's awesome weather and I'm reminded once again why I wanted to move South.  Just like every spring reminds others why they want to live in Minnesota!  And just like Minnesotans know to be tentatively happy with the mild spring weather because they know another snowstorm is inevitable, I know there will be more 90+ degree days.  But I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm liking what I see! 

We were really able to enjoy the weather this weekend...Darin got a new grill!  He found it on Craigslist and it works like a charm!  It's almost brand new and the Darin/grill combo made some fantastic pork chops and steaks on Sunday for lunch and dinner!  It's more protein than I've probably had in a week, but it was delicious!  He also installed our new ceiling fan in the patio.  Makes for quite the enjoyable experience outside now.  He is so handy, it never ceases to amaze me.  

Life is good in Houston....  And I think it's going to get even better!