Thursday, October 13, 2011

Baby C's First Pictures

We've had quite a few ultrasounds (yea!) but Darin and I decided we wanted to do a 4D ultrasound just for the heck of it.  The following pictures are from September 21.


Face...and a little smile?

This would be the shot that finally convinced Darin & I she was a girl!
And this picture is Darin's first shot at shielding his little girl from the dangers of the internet! 



Because she was so small still and, for the most part, plastered up against the placenta most of the time, the ultrasound tech had us come back for a retry.  That was today, October 13.  It is obvious how much she's grown in just 3 weeks.  She didn't get any more compliant, however.  This time around, the tech tried once to get some good pictures and yet again, she didn't want to cooperate.  She really likes to have her head pushed up against my right hip.  So, after the first try, the tech had me sit in the waiting room, pray, do jumping jacks and a few cartwheels (just kidding!) and come back in about a half hour later and try again!  We finally got some good ones.

Sucking on her fingers


Such a sweet face!  

We can't wait to meet you, Baby C!  

1 comment:

  1. that is simply...amazing! i can see the "johnson" in her already, no offense darin!
