Friday, October 28, 2011


Well, it's happened.  I'm 31.  And I've said it before and I'll say it again...turning another year older sure as hell beats the alternative!  But still, 31!

I spent the day, for the most part, not doing a whole lot of anything besides complaining to anyone who would listen about how sore and uncomfortable I am.  I took the dogs for their walk (they apparently do not care about how sore and uncomfortable I am), made breakfast for tomorrow and made some brownies.  Then watched a riveting National Geographic show on "The Real Serengeti", talked to my mom for over an hour and took a little nap before Darin got home from his work trip.

When he got home I was surprised with flowers, a gift card for a mani/pedi (yea!) and a box of Chips Ahoy cookies.  This would be my second box of those cookies just this week.  I ate the first box I bought on Tuesday after grocery shopping.  Yep.  The whole box (well, the whole box except 6.  I ate those for breakfast on Wednesday.).  I'm tellin' you, the 3rd trimester is kicking my ass!  I was eating healthy and doing great, but now I'm so annoyed with all this extra weight and this huge addition to my body and all the annoying things that go along with the 3rd trimester of pregnancy that I feel I deserve all the chocolate I can handle.  And I can handle a lot.  At this rate, I'm slightly worried I could be giving birth to 15 pound baby.  But that chocolate tastes so good....

After talking to a friend who was going out for Mexican food tonight I decided Mexican sounded delicious. So, Darin made some reservations at a restaurant we've never been to and off we went!  It occurred to us that in just one short month, we will not be able to do that.  Wow...our lives are really going to change!  But really, bring it on.  I am becoming more and more ready to be a parent with each passing day.

So, in summary, my 31st birthday was a little lame, but that's all I really wanted!  Guess that's what getting older is all about...being happy just being with the one you love!  (OK, I really wanted a margarita also, but I'm gonna have to wait just a little while longer for one of those!  Ha!)

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