Monday, October 3, 2011

Single Digits!

We're now in single digits for the number of weeks left until my due date!  Ahhhh!!!!!!  Luckily, we have finally started to get the nursery together.  All the clothes we have so far (and she has QUITE the extensive wardrobe) are washed and hanging up or in the dresser.  Blankets are put away, bottles and bibs are in the kitchen and towels and baby wash are in the bathroom.  We still have a long list of things we need for Baby C (possibly a name other than Baby C...) but it feels good to know that if she decided to make her appearance in the world now, we'd be prepared.  (OK, "prepared" is a strong word...are you ever really prepared to be a parent?  I think not.)

As we look around our house, however, we're wondering where everything else is going to go.  Our nice, new house with the open floor plan is closing in on us.  And having two rambunctious dogs doesn't make anything easier.  It'll all work out though!  It'll just be a little tight in here for awhile.  I'm personally excited to see everything we have so far out in the open.  Darin has had quite a good time playing with our baby monitor...I'm personally excited to get the stroller out and acclimate the dogs to it so they don't pull me and baby C down the street trying to get away from it.  I also would love to take our Baby Einstein play mat out of the box and play with all the toys that come with that cool contraption, but I think I'll just leave it in the box for now.  Less time for the dogs and cat to claim it as their own.

Here is a current picture of me.  I'll post nursery pictures as soon as it's done, which hopefully won't be long now!

30 weeks

The weather in Houston is changing for the better.  It was 60 or below Saturday, Sunday and today when we woke up.  What a great change!  The high is 84 for today which may seem hot to those who live up North, but when you've been dealing with high 90s - 100 degree days for so long, 84 feels like a cool front!  It's awesome weather and I'm reminded once again why I wanted to move South.  Just like every spring reminds others why they want to live in Minnesota!  And just like Minnesotans know to be tentatively happy with the mild spring weather because they know another snowstorm is inevitable, I know there will be more 90+ degree days.  But I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm liking what I see! 

We were really able to enjoy the weather this weekend...Darin got a new grill!  He found it on Craigslist and it works like a charm!  It's almost brand new and the Darin/grill combo made some fantastic pork chops and steaks on Sunday for lunch and dinner!  It's more protein than I've probably had in a week, but it was delicious!  He also installed our new ceiling fan in the patio.  Makes for quite the enjoyable experience outside now.  He is so handy, it never ceases to amaze me.  

Life is good in Houston....  And I think it's going to get even better!

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